Training and consultation can be provided in many aspects of social care including the following areas:

 Safeguarding children training

  • Awareness, Levels 1-4 and updates

  • Trauma Informed Practice

  • Church policies and training

  • Legal framework

  • Training for sports organisations

  • Achieving Best Evidence Interviewing (ABE)

  • School site safeguarding surveys for CIF bids

  • Safeguarding adults

  • Awareness and foundation level

  • Trauma Informed Practice

  • Investigation/enquiries and interviewing

  • Managing safeguarding enquiries

  • Care Act 2014 and the legal framework

  • Legislation and updates

  • Achieving Best Evidence Interviewing (ABE)

Child care

  • Looked after children

  • Children Act

  • Recording

  • Information sharing/lead professional

  • Early help