Training Matters Dorset Ltd was established by Linda Naylor in 1996 and with several associate trainers, has grown to provide training across the country.

Jonathan McKinney took over running the company in 2019. Jonathan has worked with Linda for many years.

The trainers have years of experience in policing and social work safeguarding roles. The company provides training in safeguarding children and adults at all levels. We also provide other areas of social care training. All courses are designed around the requirements of the customer and national frameworks.


We provide specialist level 2 safeguarding for schools following Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance.  

Linda delivering training

Multi-agency Groups

We are proud to be currently delivering a range of multi-agency safeguarding courses on behalf of the Pan-Dorset Safeguarding Children Partnership. This includes levels 2, 3 and updates, safer recruitment, neglect and trauma informed practice.

Doctor and child

Health Professionals

We train all primary care staff including General Practitioners and nurses all aspects of safeguarding children and adults at risk, also legislation that is relevant to them.


Social care: a helping hand

Social Care & Care Staff

We specialise in training social workers and all social care professionals.

We are also providing interview training following Achieving Best Evidence guidance for professionals to conduct interviews with children and adults at risk.


Resilience and Relaxation Courses

The Coronavirus pandemic placed unprecedented pressure on all safeguarding professionals. There remains continued pressure on practioners due to increased demand for services and limited resources. Our specialist trainers, Diane and Lyndsey, can design and deliver courses following recognised techniques for both professionals and children and families in resilience and relaxation.

Churches, charities and other religious organisations

Charities & Church Groups

We train charities and faith groups in safeguarding both children and adults at risk. We ensure the training is bespoke to the specific functions and needs of the setting.

We are currently providing specialist Trauma Informed Practice training for the Church of England.


Foster Carers & Adopters

We provide foster carers all aspects of safeguarding including specialised child sexual abuse awareness.


Sports Organisations

We can offer child protection training to sports organisations


Training and consultation can be provided in many aspects of social care including the following areas:

 Safeguarding children training

  • Awareness, Levels 1-4 and updates

  • Trauma Informed Practice

  • Church policies and training

  • Legal framework

  • Training for sports organisations

  • Achieving Best Evidence Interviewing (ABE)

  • School site safeguarding surveys for CIF bids

  • Safeguarding adults

  • Awareness and foundation level

  • Trauma Informed Practice

  • Investigation/enquiries and interviewing

  • Managing safeguarding enquiries

  • Care Act 2014 and the legal framework

  • Legislation and updates

  • Achieving Best Evidence Interviewing (ABE)

Child care

  • Looked after children

  • Children Act

  • Recording

  • Information sharing/lead professional

  • Early help